Videogram 116: Lörinc Borsos, 30. listopadu 2022 19:00 (on-line via Zoom)
VIDEOGRAM 116: Lörinc Borsos
30. 11. 2022, 19:00 CET, online via Zoom
The Borsos Lőrincs artist duo’s key area of focus is researching the constructed nature of artist identities. Their question, asked through a range of media, methods and motifs, is how art can become a programmable composite entity. In their case, hybridity – as a concept of multiplicity and iterability – relates critically to the still dominant (neo)romantic tendency in Hungarian cultural thinking. According to the neo-Romantic position, the artist-artwork-oeuvre triad forms an organic unity. Borsos Lőrincs create at once a private mythology and a critique of mythology in general. They fabricate a face for themselves, and by so doing reveal the emptiness of the face’s „place.” The artworks, installations and events they create are the prosthetic media of the Borsos Lőrinc (anti)mythology. Despite appearances, from this praxis, no such thing as a hermetically sealed aesthetic space can emerge. Instead, the ambiguity of the dividing lines between religious-political-social contexts are heightened, as well as the porosity of the private and public spheres, along with the autonomy of art. Borsos Lőrinc as a collaborative phenomenon pulsates between the One and the Many, unrecordably, like the black enamel paint maniacally used and abused by the pair. Black enamel is at once a colour and a material, a symbolic expression and an occlusion. This blackness appears at times breaks into certain classics (William Blake, Lucas Cranach, etc), filling up and exploiting existent art codes. Other times, the ectoplasm like the blackness of Borsos Lőrinc exploits its materiality, generating phantom objects. The destruction of figuration takes us into the bustling night of sheer formlessness. Not a total abstraction, mind you, for here there is always given a dynamic zone or band (the promise, or trace, of a visage), which saves this spectral vitality from freezing into the inorganically rigid blankness of death. Borsos Lőrinc are neither one, nor two, neither husband nor wife, neither art nor anti-art. Rather, this name denotes the place where all of these movements and convulsions converge. We cannot know how many are inside the seething cauldron. They are legion.
30. 11. 2022, 19:00 CET, online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 967 0156 6509
The Borsos Lőrincs artist duo’s key area of focus is researching the constructed nature of artist identities. Their question, asked through a range of media, methods and motifs, is how art can become a programmable composite entity. In their case, hybridity – as a concept of multiplicity and iterability – relates critically to the still dominant (neo)romantic tendency in Hungarian cultural thinking. According to the neo-Romantic position, the artist-artwork-oeuvre triad forms an organic unity. Borsos Lőrincs create at once a private mythology and a critique of mythology in general. They fabricate a face for themselves, and by so doing reveal the emptiness of the face’s „place.” The artworks, installations and events they create are the prosthetic media of the Borsos Lőrinc (anti)mythology. Despite appearances, from this praxis, no such thing as a hermetically sealed aesthetic space can emerge. Instead, the ambiguity of the dividing lines between religious-political-social contexts are heightened, as well as the porosity of the private and public spheres, along with the autonomy of art. Borsos Lőrinc as a collaborative phenomenon pulsates between the One and the Many, unrecordably, like the black enamel paint maniacally used and abused by the pair. Black enamel is at once a colour and a material, a symbolic expression and an occlusion. This blackness appears at times breaks into certain classics (William Blake, Lucas Cranach, etc), filling up and exploiting existent art codes. Other times, the ectoplasm like the blackness of Borsos Lőrinc exploits its materiality, generating phantom objects. The destruction of figuration takes us into the bustling night of sheer formlessness. Not a total abstraction, mind you, for here there is always given a dynamic zone or band (the promise, or trace, of a visage), which saves this spectral vitality from freezing into the inorganically rigid blankness of death. Borsos Lőrinc are neither one, nor two, neither husband nor wife, neither art nor anti-art. Rather, this name denotes the place where all of these movements and convulsions converge. We cannot know how many are inside the seething cauldron. They are legion.
Autor | Mgr. Ján Solčáni |
Datum publikování | |
Zkrácený odkaz | |
Odpovědnost: Hana Křížová