Workshop Kacpera Ziemianina: Strategies for live sound and music, 13. května 2022 13:00
Kabinet audiovizuálních technologií FaVU zve na workshop a přednášku
Kacper Ziemianin – Strategies for live sound and music
13. 5. 2022, 13:00–15:00, U2/216 (KAT lab)
workshop proběhne v angličtině
Kacper Ziemianin a.k.a. ‘Ctrl Freq’ is sound designer, circuit bender, vagabond, improviser, producer, audio-hacker, instrument designer, nomad, radio presenter, workshop leader, squatter. His audio installations and sounds have been shown/played in many places around Europe.
Kacper Ziemianin has background in classical music and a lot of adventures in modern sound and music. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sonic Arts from Middlsex University and Master’s degree in Sonology at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, the Netherlands.
Currently based in the Hague, NL working as a freelance instrument designer and performer as well as teacher of DIY electronics. His latest endeavor, the ‘LightSeq’ has received funding from Stimuleringsfonds NL and won an award at an international electronic music festival ‘Radical dB’ in Zaragoza, Spain.
In this lecture / presentation Kacper will present his artistic, educational background and also context of audio scene in Den Hague. He will show some of his sound installations and talk about interest in extended duration in music and time in relation to electronic music, which was the topic of his Master’s degree. Here he will discuss a few of his pieces, including: ‘Around the Clock’, ‘Cymatic Clock’ and ‘SoundLapse’.
Special focus will be dedicated to live performance tools, techniques and ideas - starting from circuit bent experiments, through light-sensitive ‘light efface’ and ‘LightSeq’. This part will be also practical because some of the award winning instruments will be physically present so this part will be very hands-on and interactive.
Last part of the lecture will explain projects that Kacper is developing at the moment - ‘In Quotes - Outside the Context’ and ‘Music for Humans and Machines’.
We will end by a Q&A session.
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Autor | doc. MgA. Filip Cenek |
Datum publikování | |
Zkrácený odkaz | |
Odpovědnost: Jana Janečková