Organizational Rules
Basic abbreviations used in the document | |
BUT | Brno University of Technology |
AS BUT | Academic Senate of Brno University of Technology |
Statutes of BUT | Statutes of Brno University of Technology |
FFA BUT | Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology |
AS FFA | Academic Senate of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology |
Statutes of the FFA BUT | Statutes of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology |
Part One: Introductory Provisions
Article 1: Basic Provisions
- The Organizational Rules of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology (hereinafter also "Organizational Rules" or "these Rules") are issued in connection with the relevant provisions of the Statutes of the FFA BUT and regulate details regarding the internal arrangement, management, and organization of the faculty.
- The Organizational Rules are based on generally binding legal regulations, especially Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as amended (hereinafter "the Act"), the Statutes of BUT, the Statutes of the FFA BUT, and the BUT Rules of Study Programmes and BUT Rules of Selection Procedures.
- As an internal regulation of the faculty (Article 6 paragraph 3 of the Statutes of the FFA BUT), the Organizational Rules specify certain provisions of the aforementioned legal norms in the area of organization and management, establish mutual relationships, competencies, and powers of the faculty's units and functions at the faculty-wide level.
- An appendix to the Organizational Rules is the Organigram of the FFA BUT (hereinafter also "faculty organigram"), which visualizes the basic organizational and management structure of the faculty.
- The Organizational Rules of the faculty are binding for all employees of the faculty.
Article 2: Scope, Name, and Seat of the Faculty
- The Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology (hereinafter also "FFA BUT" or "faculty") as a fundamental part of Brno University of Technology (hereinafter also "BUT" or "university") independently and freely develops educational activities and, in connection with that, scientific, research, development, innovation, artistic, and other creative activities (hereinafter also "creative activities") and creates conditions for these activities. The faculty conducts educational and creative activities in accordance with its statutes in accredited study programmes, as well as in lifelong learning programmes, in the field of art and design and related areas, with an emphasis on their mutual interconnectedness. In addition to this main activity, the faculty may perform supplementary activities. The scope of the faculty is defined in more detail in its statutes.
- The full name of the faculty is: "Fakulta výtvarných umění Vysokého učení technického v Brně", or "Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta výtvarných umění". The full name of the faculty in English is: "Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology", or "Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts". The abbreviated name of the faculty is: "Fakulta výtvarných umění VUT", or "FaVU VUT". The abbreviated name of the faculty in English is: "Faculty of Fine Arts BUT", or "FFA BUT".
- The seat of the faculty is in Brno, Údolní 244/53, Czech Republic, European Union.
Part Two: Organizational and Management Structure of the Faculty
Article 3: Division of the Faculty
- The faculty is divided into units of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology, which are:
- Studios;
- Supporting Departments;
- Department of Art History and Theory (hereinafter also "Department");
- Dean’s Office;
- Other Units.
- The faculty units independently manage the allocated financial resources and may further divide into divisions, workshops, laboratories, or other named units.
- Studios are units of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology for educational and creative activities that provide, in particular, practical studio teaching in accredited study programmes. The list of studios is provided in Appendix No. 3 of the Statutes of the FFA BUT.
- Supporting Departments are units for educational and creative activities that provide teaching of faculty-wide professional subjects and technological services to studios and manage selected workshops and specialized workplaces. The list of departments is provided in Appendix No. 3 of the Statutes of the FFA BUT. The allocation of technological workshops and specialized workplaces under individual departments is visualized in the faculty organigram.
- The Department of Art History and Theory is a unit for educational, scientific, and expert activities, which provides, in particular, teaching of faculty-wide courses in the field of history and theory of art and design.
- The Dean’s Office is an economic and administrative service unit that provides activities necessary for the operation of the faculty. The Dean’s Office is further divided into units, headed either by the head of the Dean’s Office unit or directly by the Faculty Bursar or Dean:
- Student Affairs Office;
- International Office;
- Economics Office;
- Personnel Office;
- Operations Office;
- Secretariat;
- Office of Information Technology;
- Project Support Office;
- Production and Public Relations Office;
- Office for Creative and Educational Activities.
- Other Units are organizational units of the faculty for supporting research, innovation, and educational activities, providing information services, student well-being, or supplementary activities of the faculty. The following other units are established at the faculty:
- Research Centre;
- FFA Gallery (Galerie FaVU);
- Studio Matter;
- 3D Studio;
- Wood and Metal Workshop;
- FFA Library;
- FFA Student Club.
- The graphical form of the faculty's organizational structure is illustrated in Appendix No. 1 of these Rules.
- The faculty units listed in paragraphs 1b and 1c of this Article are considered departments at the level of institutes within the meaning of Article 7 paragraph 2 of the BUT Career Rules.
Article 4: Faculty Governance (Autonomous Officers and Official Bodies)
- The self-governing academic bodies of the faculty are:
- FFA Academic Senate (hereinafter "AS FFA");
- Dean;
- FFA Artistic Board (hereinafter "AB FFA");
- FFA Disciplinary Committee (hereinafter "DC FFA").
- Another officer of the faculty is the Faculty Bursar (Chief Financial Officer).
- The AS FFA is the self-governing representative academic body of the faculty. Its legal status, the method of its establishment, and its scope are determined by the Act and the Statutes of the FFA BUT. The legal status of the Dean, AB FFA, DC FFA, and the Faculty Bursar and their competencies are given by the Act, the Statutes of BUT, and the Statutes of the FFA BUT.
- The faculty bodies according to Article 4 paragraphs 1 and 2 of these Rules have the right to decide or act on behalf of the university in matters concerning the faculty, respectively the university, in accordance with the Act (§ 24), other legal regulations, the Statutes of BUT and other internal regulations of the university, the Statutes of the FFA BUT, and other internal regulations of the faculty.
- The Dean is represented, to the extent determined by them, by Vice-Deans. Their competencies are focused on the following main areas:
- Study affairs, accreditations, and quality of educational activities;
- Internationalization and foreign relations;
- Scientific-research activities and their quality, HR Award;
- Artistic research and publication activity;
- Faculty development, external relations, and exhibition activities;
- Infrastructure, reconstruction, and dislocation.
- For coordinated assurance of faculty activities and for solving conceptual and operational tasks, the Dean appoints advisors or establishes advisory boards and bodies and appoints their chairs and members. The following permanent advisory boards and bodies are established at the FFA BUT:
- Dean’s Advisory Board;
- Study Programme Board;
- Doctoral Studies Board;
- Teachers’ Advisory Board;
- IT System Board;
- Dislocation Committee;
- Gallery Advisory Board;
- Editorial Board;
- FFA Eco Unit;
- Ombudsperson.
Article 5: Faculty Management System
- The system of faculty management, the management structure of faculty bodies, management rules, and relationships between individual units are based on internal regulations of the university and faculty and the Act. The graphical form of the faculty's management structure is illustrated in Appendix No. 1 of these Rules.
- The structure of faculty management is based on direct management relationships, where the principle of subsidiarity and indivisible managerial, respectively decision-making authority and responsibility of leading employees, is applied, in two levels of management:
- Central level of management affecting the faculty as a whole;
- Level of unit management affecting individual units of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology and their components.
- Leading employees at the central level of management are:
- Dean;
- Faculty Bursar to the extent determined by the Dean;
- Vice-Deans to the extent determined by the Dean.
- Leading employees at the level of unit management are:
- Head of the Department of Art History and Theory;
- Heads of Supporting Departments;
- Heads of Studios;
- Heads of Other Units;
- Heads of Dean’s Office Units.
- The Dean directly supervises the Faculty Bursar, Vice-Deans, guarantors of study programmes, the Head of the Department and Supporting Departments, and Studio Heads. The Dean also directly supervises the managers of the following other units and Dean’s Office units:
- Secretariat;
- Office for Creative and Educational Activities;
- Office of Information Technology;
- Research Centre.
- The Faculty Bursar directly supervises the managers of the following Dean’s Office units and other units:
- Economics Office;
- Personnel Office;
- Operations Office;
- 3D Studio;
- Studio Matter;
- Wood and Metal Workshop;
- FFA Student Club.
- Vice-Deans directly supervise the managers of the following Dean’s Office units and other units:
- Student Affairs Office – Vice-Dean for Study Affairs;
- International Office – Vice-Dean for Internationalization;
- Project Support Office – Vice-Dean for Scientific Research and Quality Assurance;
- Production and Public Relations Office – Vice-Dean for Development and External Relations.
- If the position of the head of a unit (including a Dean’s Office unit) is unoccupied, the employees of this unit are directly subordinate to the relevant superior employee.
- An instrument of operational management is the issuance of internal norms of the faculty, which is defined in Article 6 of the Statutes of the FFA BUT. Internal norms are electronically accessible to employees and students of the faculty in the university's information system at:
- The faculty's information board serves as an official information source, both in relation to employees and students of the faculty and in relation to the public. Through the information board, the faculty fulfills the obligation to:
- Publish information to the extent and in the manner required by Act No. 106/1999 Coll., or other generally applicable legal regulations, especially Act No. 111/1998 Coll., as amended;
- Inform employees and students of the faculty about all internal regulations and norms, or notices, which they are obliged to follow and which become binding for them upon publication on the faculty's information board.
Part Three: Leading Employees
Article 6
Leading employees are, according to their levels of competencies and management, the persons listed in Article 5 paragraphs 3 and 4 of these Rules, as well as guarantors of study programmes implemented at the FFA BUT.
Article 7: Dean
- The Dean is the head of the faculty; they act and decide on behalf of the university in matters concerning the faculty in accordance with the Act, other legal regulations, the Statutes of BUT, and other internal regulations of the university and faculty.
- The Dean is appointed and dismissed by the Rector of the university upon the proposal of the AS FFA.
- The Dean is accountable to the Rector for their activities; this does not affect the Dean's competence in matters under § 24 of the Act. The Dean is also accountable to the Rector for the efficient use of financial resources, the settlement of subsidies, and the proper management of the university's entrusted property.
- The Dean is accountable to the AS FFA for their activities; upon the AS FFA's request, the Dean shall attend its meetings.
- The exclusive powers of the Dean are:
- To submit to the AS FFA:
- A proposal for the appointment and dismissal of members of the DC FFA (for approval),
- A proposal for the appointment and dismissal of members of the AB FFA (for approval),
- A proposal for the distribution of the faculty's financial resources (for approval),
- A proposal to establish, merge, consolidate, divide, or abolish units of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology (for decision),
- A proposal of internal regulations of the faculty (for approval, except for the Rules of Procedure of the AS FFA),
- Conditions for admission to study in study programmes implemented at the faculty (for approval),
- The annual report on the faculty's activities (for approval),
- The annual report on the faculty's economy (for approval),
- A proposal for the appointment and dismissal of Vice-Deans (for opinion),
- Proposals of study programmes implemented at the faculty (for opinion),
- The strategic plan of educational and creative activities of the faculty developed in accordance with the university's strategic plan after discussion in the AB FFA (for approval);
- To address the AS FFA meeting whenever they request; upon the Dean's request, the Chair of the AS FFA is obliged to convene an extraordinary meeting of the AS FFA without delay;
- To announce new elections to the AS FFA if the AS FFA fails to act under § 27 of the Act for six months;
- To appoint and dismiss members of the AB FFA (after approval by the AS FFA);
- To convene the AB FFA and preside over its meetings as Chair;
- To submit to the AB FFA for discussion the strategic plan of educational and creative activities, proposals for the composition of habilitation committees, and proposals for the composition of committees for the appointment of professors;
- To exercise powers under § 72 and § 74 of the Act concerning habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the appointment of professors at the faculty level;
- To appoint and dismiss members of the DC FFA (after approval by the AS FFA);
- To make proposals for initiating disciplinary proceedings against faculty students and decide on proposals of the DC FFA;
- To conclude agreements on faculty membership in multinational or international organizations;
- To award scholarships within the faculty's scholarship regulations, if funded from the faculty's financial resources;
- To determine the amount of fees related to the study of self-paying students;
- To generate the general concept of faculty development;
- To approve concepts, plans, and intentions for the development of human resources, material infrastructure including information and communication technologies, study and work environment of the faculty, organizational structure, and dislocation of the faculty;
- To approve investment plans and intentions;
- To appoint and dismiss the Faculty Bursar (Chief Financial Officer);
- To issue decisions on the scope of the Faculty Bursar's competencies;
- To appoint and dismiss Vice-Deans after prior consultation with the AS FFA;
- To issue decisions on the scope of Vice-Deans' competencies;
- To appoint to function and dismiss faculty managers;
- To announce selection procedures for the position of Faculty Bursar;
- To announce selection procedures for positions of academic staff;
- To announce selection procedures for other work or functional positions at the faculty;
- To conclude, amend, and terminate employment relationships and agreements on work performed outside employment;
- To assign faculty employees to salary grades according to the university's internal salary regulations;
- To manage the Dean’s Office and transfer their direct managerial competencies towards some heads of Dean’s Office units to the Faculty Bursar, Vice-Deans, or other authorized employees;
- To determine the job description and manage managers under their direct managerial competence;
- To determine the amount of employees' salaries in accordance with the university's internal salary regulations;
- To act on behalf of the contracting authority in exercising rights and obligations related to public contracts implemented at the faculty;
- To establish their permanent or temporary advisory bodies and commissions, appoint their members, and initiate their meetings;
- To issue decisions, instructions, and directives of the Dean, i.e., to issue, approve, and update internal norms of the faculty that do not require approval by the AS FFA;
- To designate from the Vice-Deans their statutory representative, who represents them in full scope during their absence.
- To submit to the AS FFA:
- The Dean is also empowered to:
- Decide on admission to study at the faculty, on appeals in case of non-admission to study at the faculty, and in matters concerning the rights and obligations of a student under § 68 of the Act;
- Issue diploma supplements;
- Issue certificates of completion of studies within lifelong and further education provided by the faculty;
- Recognize prior education;
- Appoint supervisors in the doctoral study programme in accordance with university and faculty regulations and norms;
- Appoint guarantors of study programmes after discussion in the faculty's Artistic Board.
- Other powers not listed in Article 7 paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Rules may be transferred by the Dean's decision permanently or temporarily to the Faculty Bursar, Vice-Deans, other members of the Dean’s Advisory Board, or other authorized persons.
Article 8: Faculty Bursar (Chief Financial Officer)
- The Faculty Bursar manages the economy and internal administration of the faculty to the extent determined by the Dean's decision.
- The Faculty Bursar acts and decides as a faculty officer within the entrusted areas of activity in accordance with the Act, other legal regulations, the Statutes of BUT and the Statutes of the FFA BUT, other internal regulations of the university and faculty, and these Rules.
- The entrusted areas of activity of the Faculty Bursar are:
- Management and support of the faculty's financial resources;
- Budget and budgetary control;
- Faculty economy, records, analyses, reports, and financial control;
- Ensuring construction and modernization activities;
- Implementation of investment projects;
- Participation in proposals for reconstructions (in cooperation with the Vice-Dean responsible for dislocations);
- Wage agenda of the faculty;
- Property management;
- Protection of property and employees of the faculty;
- Operational matters of the faculty;
- Labour-law matters of directly managed units.
- The Faculty Bursar cooperates with Vice-Deans, heads of units, Dean’s Office units, and commissions and methodically directs them in entrusted areas of activity.
- The Faculty Bursar is appointed by the Dean based on a selection procedure. The Faculty Bursar is dismissed by the Dean.
- The Faculty Bursar is subordinate to the Dean and is accountable to them for their activities.
- Within the entrusted areas of activity, the Faculty Bursar is responsible for:
- Efficient and economical handling of the faculty's financial resources obtained within the contribution to educational activities, from supplementary activities, donations, and contributions from sponsors;
- The conception of rules for the distribution of the faculty's financial resources;
- Preparing the faculty's budget proposal;
- Managing activities aimed at adhering to the approved faculty budget;
- Controlling the economic and administrative activities of the faculty's units and Dean’s Office units;
- The conception of operational-organizational instructions and norms with the aim to:
- Make the activities carried out within the faculty more efficient,
- Create methodologies in connection with the management of financial resources,
- Apply legislative regulations in entrusted areas to the faculty's activities,
- Ensure the protection of employees, students, and faculty property;
- Generating proposals for the conception of wage development, management of wage resources, and principles of material motivation of faculty employees;
- Managing the faculty's wage agenda;
- Managing agreements on work performed outside employment relationships;
- Preparing a plan for maintenance and repairs of equipment;
- Providing qualified data for decision-making in the economic area;
- Organizing public procurement in cooperation with the relevant departments of the Rectorate;
- Ensuring activities related to the implementation of the faculty's investment intentions;
- Concluding and recording short-term rental agreements;
- Preparing and recording other contracts in their area of competence;
- Negotiating and organizing matters related to the proper management and inventory of entrusted property;
- Disposing of faculty property according to relevant regulations;
- Generating reports on the faculty's economy;
- Preparing data for the annual report and strategic plan of educational and creative activities in their area of competence;
- Organizing occupational safety and health protection, fire protection, and energy management;
- Determining the job description and managing leading employees under their direct managerial competence.
- The Faculty Bursar may transfer activities for which they are responsible permanently or temporarily to the heads of directly managed units or employees of directly managed units that do not have a head.
Article 9: Vice-Deans
- Vice-Deans are representatives of the Dean in entrusted areas of activity and act on their behalf in these areas unless stated otherwise in the internal regulations of the university and faculty or in these Rules. The legal status of Vice-Deans and their competencies are given by the Act (§ 28) and the Statutes of the FFA BUT.
- The Vice-Dean designated by the Dean as their statutory representative substitutes for the Dean in their absence in full scope.
- The signing authority of Vice-Deans is regulated by the Dean's decision.
- Vice-Deans are appointed and dismissed by the Dean after consultation with the AS FFA.
- The term of office of Vice-Deans ends on the day the term of office of the new Dean begins.
- Vice-Deans are subordinate to the Dean and are accountable to them for their activities.
- The entrusted areas of activity of Vice-Deans and their titles are regulated by a separate internal norm published on the information board in the public section of the faculty's website.
- The Dean permanently delegates the following powers to Vice-Deans:
- Coordination of activities and decision-making in entrusted areas;
- Generating concepts and preparing instructions and organizational measures in entrusted areas of activity; assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of internal regulations and norms of the faculty, preparing and submitting proposals for their adjustments;
- Preparing data for the annual report in entrusted areas of activity;
- Implementing the faculty's strategic plan and, within their competence, preparing proposals for its update;
- Control activities in entrusted areas;
- Creating and managing advisory bodies and commissions within their competence;
- Managing leading employees as per Article 5 paragraph 7 of these Rules.
- Vice-Deans, in cooperation with the university management, Dean, Faculty Bursar, and responsible faculty staff, further ensure the following areas:
- Fulfillment of the provisions of legal norms related to higher education institutions (especially Acts No. 111/1998 Coll. and No. 130/2002 Coll.) and relevant government regulations and resolutions, as well as internal regulations and norms of the university and faculty;
- Implementation of decisions, directives, and instructions of the Rector and Dean within their competence;
- Organizational and content assurance of academic ceremonies;
- Active participation in advisory bodies of the Dean and university management;
- Providing materials for faculty presentation materials in connection with their functional competence.
- Vice-Deans cooperate and substitute for each other according to the Dean's instructions when fulfilling their tasks.
Article 10: Heads of Departments
- The Head of the Department of Art History and Theory or a Supporting Department (hereinafter in this Article referred to as "unit") oversees and coordinates the unit’s activities in accordance with the faculty’s development plan, exercising full managerial authority over the unit except for powers allocated to leading employees at the central management level and those assigned to guarantors of study programmes.
- The Head of the unit is appointed by the Dean based on an open selection procedure. The Head’s term of office is concurrent with that of the Dean.
- The Head of the unit is accountable to the Dean for their activities.
- The Head of the unit is especially responsible for:
- In cooperation with guarantors of study programmes, the quality and development of educational activities within the unit's competence;
- In cooperation with guarantors of study programmes, coordinating the preparation of accreditation files of study programmes within the unit's competence;
- In cooperation with guarantors of study programmes, coordinating the generation of proposals for adjustments to study programmes within the unit's competence;
- In cooperation with guarantors of study programmes, the quality and development of scientific and/or artistic activities of the unit with regard to the current needs of implemented or prepared study programmes within the unit's competence;
- In cooperation with guarantors of study programmes and study programme boards, determining the job description of unit employees with regard to the current needs of implemented or prepared study programmes within the unit's competence;
- The personal and professional development of unit employees and their annual evaluation in accordance with internal norms of the university and faculty;
- Controlling the fulfillment of work tasks and the results of unit employees' activities and their workload, and consequently the performance of the unit as a whole; submitting proposals to the Dean for changes in the workload of unit employees in connection with their workload;
- Presenting the results of the unit's professional activities;
- Adhering to the unit budget and economical, effective, and efficient use of allocated financial resources;
- Timely annual submission of financial requirements for ensuring the operation of the unit to leading employees at the central level of management;
- Economical use and proper inventory management of property entrusted to the unit; supplementary activities organized by the unit;
- Participating in creating suitable personnel, material, and organizational conditions for the unit's activities, while in matters of personnel security of current or prepared study programmes within the unit's competence, always acting in cooperation and with the consent of the guarantor of the study programme and the Dean;
- Performing control and consulting activities in all areas of the unit's operation;
- Adhering to internal regulations of the university and faculty and generally binding regulations, while in the case of currently implemented study programmes, always acting in cooperation with the guarantor of the study programme.
- The basic form of unit management is work meetings of the Head with unit employees, which take place at least twice per semester of the academic year.
- The Head of the unit may, with the Dean's consent, establish and abolish components of the unit (specialized workshops, laboratories, etc.) and appoint their heads.
- The Head of the unit may appoint their deputy and a unit secretary who primarily takes care of the administrative and organizational activities of the unit.
- The Head of the unit is substituted in full scope by their appointed deputy or an authorized unit employee. The authorization and appointment are archived by the Dean’s Office secretariat.
Article 11: Heads of Studios
- The Head of a Studio oversees and coordinates the activities of the respective Studio in accordance with the faculty’s development plan, exercising full managerial authority over the Studio except for powers allocated to senior employees at the central management level and those assigned to guarantors of study programmes.
- The position of the Head of a Studio is usually filled through a selection procedure.
- The Head of a Studio is appointed and dismissed by the Dean.
- The Head of a Studio is accountable to the Dean for their activities.
- For the Head of a Studio, the provisions of Article 10 paragraph 4 of these Rules apply appropriately, especially being responsible for adhering to the studio budget and economical, effective, and efficient use of allocated financial resources.
Article 12: Heads of Other Units
- The Heads of Other Units (hereinafter in this Article referred to as “unit”) oversee and coordinate the units’ activities in accordance with the faculty’s development plan, exercising full managerial authority over their respective units except for powers allocated to leading employees at the central management level.
- The Head of the unit is appointed and dismissed by the Dean.
- The Head of the unit is accountable to the leading employee to whom they are directly subordinate.
- The Head of the unit may, with the Dean's consent, establish and abolish components of the unit.
- The Head of the unit may appoint the head of a component of the unit and their deputy.
- The Head of the unit may be substituted in full scope by their appointed deputy or an authorized employee.
- For the Head of the unit, the provisions of Article 10 paragraph 4 of these Rules apply appropriately, especially being responsible for adhering to the unit budget and economical, effective, and efficient use of allocated financial resources.
Article 13: Heads of Components of Units
- The Head of a component of a unit manages and coordinates the work of the component in accordance with the unit’s development plan, exercising full managerial authority over the component except for powers assigned to leading employees at the central management level and the heads of units.
- The Head of the component is appointed and dismissed, in the case of a Dean’s Office unit, by the Dean after consultation with the Faculty Bursar; in other cases, by the Head of the unit with the Dean's consent.
- The Head of the component is accountable to the leading employee to whom they are directly subordinate.
- For the Head of the component, the provisions of Article 10 paragraph 4 of these Rules apply appropriately, especially being responsible for adhering to the component's budget and economical, effective, and efficient use of allocated financial resources.
Article 14: Guarantors of Study Programmes
- The guarantor of a study programme implemented at the faculty is appointed and dismissed by the Dean after discussion in the faculty's Artistic Board. The guarantor is appointed by the Dean's decision within one month of the commencement of the right to implement the study programme.
- The powers and responsibilities of the guarantor of a study programme, and in the case of doctoral study programmes also the Doctoral Studies Board, are determined by the Act (§ 44 paragraphs 6 and 7, § 47 paragraph 6), the BUT Study and Examination Regulations, the BUT Rules of Study Programmes, and other relevant regulations and instructions.
- The guarantor of a study programme is an academic staff member meeting the conditions stipulated by the Act (§ 44 paragraphs 6 and 7) with professional qualifications corresponding to the given study programme or a closely related field of study.
- The guarantor of a study programme is responsible for coordinating and content preparation of study plans that specify the accredited study programme, in cooperation with the relevant heads of units within whose competence the study programme falls.
- The guarantor oversees the quality and implementation of the study programme, its evaluation, and development, and is obliged to inform the Dean of the faculty without delay:
- Of deficiencies in the implementation of the study programme that cause the programme not to meet or may soon not meet the standards on which it was accredited;
- Of significant changes in the curriculum or state final examinations affecting the graduate profile of the study programme.
- The guarantor of a doctoral study programme is the chair of the respective Doctoral Studies Board (§ 47 paragraph 6 of the Act).
- The guarantor of a study programme, in cooperation with the relevant heads of units within whose competence the study programme falls, is responsible for adequate personnel security of the prepared or already implemented study programme.
- Guarantors of study programmes cooperate with education methodologists who are assigned to the Office for Creative and Educational Activities.
Part Four: Faculty Units
Article 15: Department of Art History and Theory
- The Department of Art History and Theory (hereinafter also "Department") is an academic unit of the faculty for educational, scientific-research, and expert activities, providing especially teaching of faculty-wide subjects and courses in the field of history and theory of art and design in accredited study programmes.
- The Department consists of academic staff, scientists, researchers, development staff, and other employees working at the Department. Doctoral students whose training unit is the Department, as well as post-doc and post-master's programme staff of the faculty, may also work at the Department.
- The activities of the Department are managed and organized by the Head of the Department, whose legal status is specified in Article 10 of these Rules.
Article 16: Supporting Departments
- Supporting Departments are academic units of the faculty for educational, creative, and expert activities, providing especially teaching of faculty-wide professional subjects and courses in accredited study programmes and technological services and support to studios.
- The names of departments are chosen to best express the professional focus of the unit, especially with regard to clarity for the faculty's academic community and the professional public.
- The list of departments is provided in Appendix No. 3 of the Statutes of the FFA BUT, respectively in the faculty organigram.
- A Supporting Department consists of academic staff and other employees working in the department. Doctoral students whose training unit is the respective department, as well as post-doc and post-master's programme staff of the faculty, may also work within the department.
- Selected workshops and specialized workplaces are assigned under the administration of departments. The list and assignment of workshops and specialized workplaces are visualized in the faculty organigram.
- The activities of the department are managed and organized by the Head of the department, whose legal status is specified in Article 10 of these Rules.
Article 17: Studios
- Studios are academic units of the faculty for educational and creative activities, providing especially practical studio teaching in accredited study programmes.
- The names of studios are chosen to best express the professional focus of the unit, especially with regard to clarity for applicants for study.
- A Studio consists of academic staff and students whose profile subject is the respective specialized studio. Doctoral students whose training unit is the respective studio, as well as post-doc and post-master's programme staff of the faculty, may also work within the studio.
- The list of studios is provided in Appendix No. 3 of the Statutes of the FFA BUT, respectively in the faculty organigram, which also visualizes their scope within accredited study programmes.
Article 18: Dean’s Office
- The Dean’s Office is the economic-administrative, administrative, and service unit of the faculty. Dean’s Office staff provide organizational, coordination, consulting-advisory, registration, and control activities in the study, scientific, artistic, economic, personnel, international relations, external relations, and internal administration areas.
- The basic units of the Dean’s Office, ensuring its activities, are the organizational units of the Dean’s Office listed in Article 3 paragraph 6 of these Rules.
- Organizational units of the Dean’s Office may be offices and other units. The name of the organizational unit is chosen to best express the mission and agendas entrusted to the given unit, especially with regard to clarity for faculty employees and students.
- The Dean’s Office is managed by the Dean, who may transfer their direct managerial competencies towards some heads of Dean’s Office units to the Faculty Bursar, Vice-Deans, or other authorized employees in accordance with Article 5 of these Rules.
- A Dean’s Office unit is managed by a Head, whose legal status is specified in Article 13 of these Rules. If a Dean’s Office unit does not have a Head, the managerial powers are exercised by the Faculty Bursar or the Dean.
- The list of Dean’s Office units and the specification of their activities are provided in Appendix No. 2 of these Rules.
Article 19: Other Units
- Other Units are established to support research, innovation, and educational activities, provide information services, student well-being, or supplementary activities of the faculty.
- The other units established at the faculty are listed in Article 3 paragraph 7 of these Rules.
- Other units are managed by Heads, whose legal status is specified in Article 12 of these Rules, or are managed directly by the Dean or Faculty Bursar in accordance with Article 5 paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Rules.
- To support the management and operation of other units, the Dean may establish advisory commissions of leading employees at the central level of management and the level of unit management within whose competence the given unit falls.
- The Dean may issue statutes and/or operating rules of the given unit, which regulate its activities and responsibilities, and possibly its internal organizational structure and relationships with other faculty units.
- Main areas of operation of some other units:
- Research Centre is a specialized unit established to expand capacities (especially applied) research in the field of art and design and deepen the faculty's connection with practice, research institutions, and other entities from the public and private sectors. It is the basic organizational unit and cost centre for projects of applied and basic research that are not implemented in other units of the faculty or have an interdisciplinary character.
- Studio Matter is a faculty-wide workshop with a depository of reusable materials from studios and partner institutions and private entities, organizing the faculty's efforts towards sustainable artistic production.
- 3D Studio provides external entities and interested parties with services for solving technologically demanding tasks related to 3D technologies, such as creating and editing 3D models, printing 3D models from advanced materials, digitizing physical objects using 3D scanners to create models for further processing using CNC and robotic machining, or 3D printing.
- FFA Library is a faculty unit providing library and information services, organizing the acquisition, processing, storage, protection, and use of library and information collections and information resources to support the faculty's activities, and ensuring the provision of library documents, bibliographic-information, reference, and search services, electronic and information services, and reprographic services in accordance with the unit's mission.
- FFA Student Club is a faculty space used by student associations and initiatives to organize activities related to student life at the faculty in accordance with the statutes of registered associations whose seat is the same as the faculty's seat.
- FFA Gallery (Galerie FaVU) serves as an exhibition space and production platform for presenting artistic production and activities of invited artists and curators to the widest public.
Part Five: Final Provisions
Article 20: Acting on Behalf of the Faculty
- The Dean, Faculty Bursar, and Vice-Deans are authorized to act on behalf of the university in matters concerning the faculty, respectively the university, in accordance with the Act (§ 24), other legal regulations, the Statutes of BUT and other internal regulations of the university, the Statutes of the FFA BUT, and other internal regulations of the faculty in the following scope:
- In administrative matters, the Dean acts. The Faculty Bursar acts based on the Dean's authorization. Vice-Deans act as representatives of the Dean in entrusted areas of activity on their behalf.
- In civil-law matters, the Dean acts. The Faculty Bursar acts based on the Dean's authorization.
- In economic-law matters, the Dean acts within the scope they have reserved. The Faculty Bursar acts based on the Dean's authorization in other matters.
- In labour-law matters, the Dean acts. The Faculty Bursar acts based on the Dean's authorization.
- The Dean may authorize the Head of a unit to act on behalf of the faculty in matters concerning the unit and Dean’s Office staff in matters of the agenda they handle, by a written decision.
Article 21: Final Provisions
- These Organizational Rules come into force on the day of approval by the AS FFA.
- These Organizational Rules take effect on the day of their validity.
- The following Appendices No. 1 to 3 are part of these Organizational Rules:
- Appendix No. 1 – Organigram of the FFA BUT;
- Appendix No. 2 – Dean’s Office Units and Their Scope;
- Appendix No. 3 – English Translation of Names of Units, Bodies, and Advisory Bodies.
- Appendix No. 1 – Organigram of the FFA BUT
The organizational and management structure of the FFA BUT is illustrated and published at: (Czech version), or (English version). - Appendix No. 2 – Dean’s Office Units and Their Scope
[See the PDF version of the faculty's Organizational Rules on the university's official notice board.] - Appendix No. 3 – English Translation of Names of Units, Bodies, and Advisory Bodies
Official names of the faculty's units, bodies, and advisory bodies, their abbreviations, and English translations are published at:, or
Responsibility: doc. MgA. Filip Cenek