Spatial Design Studio / Spatial Creation Studio


The Spatial Design/Creation Studio, which originated from the Non-Figurative Sculpture Studio, has from the outset emphasized the relationships that define spatial works, and the space in which they are created. An example of this assertion can be seen in projects that incorporate a social aspect. For instance, students learn how to work with the community of a village for whom they are creating a spatial realization. They contemplate how to correctly analyze the environment where the object should stand, how to deal with landowners, and how to garner support from the people who will pass by the work every day. They learn that beyond the choice of theme and material, it is important to consider both environmental and social perspectives. They also come to understand that contemporary sculpture should not be perceived in the traditional sense. A sculpture can be viewed as a space within a space, an installation for a specific location, situation, moment, or can itself be the specific place.

The study in the studio is primarily focused on free creation, emphasizing the development of each individual's independent thinking. Students are encouraged to seek the motivation for their creation within themselves, to take an interest in contemporary art both domestically and internationally. An inherent part of the curriculum involves the natural doubts of students as an integral part of the quest. The studio strives to provide the best possible conditions for this quest, often exceeding its capabilities by seeking collaborating sponsors, thus setting different parameters for creative commitment.

"Simply and with minimal means to uncertain outcomes."


Study Programme
Fine Arts
Studio Practice Tutors
Mgr. Jiří Příhoda
Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Pavel Korbička 




Responsibility: Mgr. Jiří Příhoda