- The Dean heads the Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology (FFA) and is its highest representative and statutory body. He is responsible for the strategy and long-term conceptual development of the faculty. He is the guarantor of academic freedoms, values, principles, and ethics. The Dean determines the composition of the FFA leadership by appointing and dismissing the Faculty Bursar and Vice-Deans. By law, he holds the position of chairman of the FFA Artistic Board.
- The Dean represents the faculty both internally, particularly towards the university management and the university's academic senate, and externally towards the public, state institutions, and private entities. The Rector appoints the dean at the proposal of the faculty's academic senate, with a term of office lasting four years. The Dean is a self-governing academic body of the faculty, specifically: acting and deciding on behalf of the university on matters concerning the faculty, unless the law on higher education institutions stipulates otherwise; holds broad decision-making powers and responsibilities in all areas, particularly in terms of employment relationships, internal organization, financing, and management of the faculty; appoints and dismisses Vice-Deans, who represent him within the scope determined by him; appoints and dismisses the Faculty Bursar, who manages the faculty's finances and internal administration; appoints and dismisses members of the Artistic Board and the Disciplinary Committee; assigns tasks and controls the activities of the senior staff members of the various parts of the faculty (heads of studios, departments, etc.); dismisses and appoints members of other advisory bodies and working groups or commissions.
The performance of the dean's function is administratively ensured by the Secretariat of the Dean's Office: +420 541 146 802, room 248/U1, FaVU VUT (FFA BUT), Údolní Street 244/53, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic. -
24/5 Signal Secretariat p-Card
Open Door Policy: Every Monday, between three and four o'clock, the dean's office is open to both students and faculty staff. The academic community and other employees have the opportunity to visit the dean in person, or to connect via MS Teams, and share their ideas, opinions, and concerns regarding the faculty's operations.