Faculty Bursar (Financial Officer)

  • Area of responsibility: manages the faculty's budget and is responsible for the allocation of the faculty's financial resources; prepares rules for the preparation of the budget and the subsequent faculty budget; carries out tasks arising from legal provisions for the activities of the faculty, decisions of the Dean, decisions of the Rector and the University Bursar, and other internal norms of the university and the faculty; is responsible for preparing the annual financial report of the faculty; represents the faculty in the areas of business and civil law within the scope defined by internal regulations and norms of the university and the faculty; preparation of finance reports, statistics, and other documents needed for the functioning of the faculty or required by the university or control authorities; manages the administrative activities of the faculty in the areas of economics, investment, personnel, legal, and faculty operations; methodically manages the FFA Economics Office and coordinates the faculty's cooperation with the relevant departments of the Bursar of Brno University of Technology.
  • Ing. Martina Pěnčíková



    room 250/U1, faculty bursar – financial officer
    phone: +420 739 536 793



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