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Vice-Dean for Development and External Relations

  • Area of responsibility: coordination of activities related to external relations and faculty development; coordination of cooperation with high schools in the Czech Republic and abroad; long-term conception of faculty internationalization (together with the Vice-Dean for Internationalization) including the organization of the Visiting Artist’s Studio; coordination of providing information about the faculty to the media (in cooperation with the FFA Production and Public Relations Office and the BUT Spokesperson); organization and promotion of exhibition, artistic, and creative activities of the faculty in relation to other institutions and the public; coordination of faculty marketing and preparation of promotional and other materials in print and digital form (in collaboration with other Vice-Deans, the FFA Production and Public Relations Office and the FFA Office for Creative and Educational Activities); organization of internal faculty competitions to support projects with outcomes recorded in the government Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV); representation of the faculty in the working commission of the Higher Education Council for artistic study programmes; communication and dissemination of information in the area of one's responsibility. Methodically manages the FFA Production and Public Relations Office and coordinates the faculty's cooperation with the Marketing and External Relations Department of Brno University of Technology.
  • Mgr. Barbora Šedivá, Ph.D.




    room 318/U2, +420 733 539 062‬



    P-Card     Production and PR Office

  • Vice-Deans, in collaboration with the university management, the Dean, the Faculty Bursar, and responsible faculty staff, mainly ensure the following areas: compliance with legal regulations related to higher education institutions (especially laws no. 111/1998 Coll. and no. 130/2002 Coll.) and relevant government decrees and resolutions and internal regulations and norms of the university and faculty; evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the faculty's internal regulations and norms, processing and submitting proposals for their amendments; fulfilling the strategic intent of the faculty and, within their area of responsibility, preparing proposals for its update; fulfilling decisions, directives and instructions of the Dean (and their control within their scope); active participation in the Dean's advisory bodies; creation and management of advisory committees within their jurisdiction; organizational and content securing of academic ceremonies; creation of materials for the faculty's presentation materials in connection with their office.