A workshop by Tadej Droljc: Audio Reactive Visuals, 11 Nov 2022 11:00–17:00
The FFA Department of Audiovisual Technology is organizing a workshop with the world-renowned audiovisual performance artist Tadej Droljc (Slovenia). You will have the opportunity to learn the basics of creating audiovisual interactions using Ableton Live and Max software.
When: friday 11/11/2022, start: 11:00
Where: FaVU BUT, Údolní 53, Brno, room U2/216
Workshop length: approx. 6 hours, workshop language: English
Prerequisites: no previous programming experience needed! Optimally own laptop with Ableton Live and Max/MSP (demo is sufficient).
Workshop program:
- Introduction to my work, basic aesthetic considerations
- How to use Live’s time-line to control visuals in Max (or any other software really that supports network data inputs)
- How to efficiently analyse audio in Live for the purpose of controlling visuals (tricks with existing Live’s analysis tools and custom made Max for Live devices).
- How to use Max to add indeterminacy, randomness or non-metric time to your audiovisual language.
- Generating and processing 3D geometry inside Max using noise and physics based algorithms.

Tadej Droljc (b. 1981) is a Slovenian interdisciplinary artist and creative coder who works in the field of electronic music, computer-generated audiovisual composition and other forms of intermedia art. His recent work is focusing at what he calls a pluralistic approach to real-time audiovisual composition, where various hierarchies between sound and image co-exist inside individual compositions. For his recent work Tadej was awarded the Lumen Prize Student Award, Dennis Smalley scholarship in electroacoustic music and he won the Most Promising Video Artist prize at Madatac. A work from his collaborative project Synspecies won the Edigma Semibreve award and was shortlisted for the Lumen Prize in category moving image. Tadej performed and exhibited his works at the festivals or galleries around the globe such as Ars Electronica, L.E.V. Festival, Brighton Digital Festival, Marché du Film – Festival de Cannes, Semibreve, Galerija Kapelica, Madatac or Athens Digital Arts Festival among others. With project Synspecies he also became a part of the ENCAC – European Network for Contemporary AV Creation. Currently, he is collaborating with Ars Electronica’s Futurelab on the project Immersify. He is a doctoral researcher in audiovisual composition at the Centre for Research in New Music (CeReNeM, UK) under the mentorship of dr. Alexander Harker and prof. Pierre Alexandre Tremblay (with support of scholarship from Slovenian Ministry of Culture). Tadej’s PhD research is about audiovisual composition based on non-hierarchical real-time relationships between music, sound and physically-based 3D animation. At the University of Huddersfield he also teaches music modules Computer Composition and Desktop Music Production.
Author | doc. MgA. Filip Cenek |
Published | |
Short URL | https://www.favu.vut.cz/en//f26745/d232481 |