Enter FaVU – Public Exhibition of Student Works, 20–21 Jan 2024 10:00–18:00
Are you curious about what it looks like at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology? Do you want to see the studios and their facilities? Are you interested in the works created by students in the seventeen studios of the faculty during the winter semester of the academic year 2023/2024?Saturday, January 20, 2024
- 10:00–18:00: Exhibition of student works in the studios and spaces of the faculty (Údolní 53), at KUMST (Údolní 19), Mosilana (hall no. 17), Distillery (Pekařská 76) and at the Káznice (Bratislavská 68)
- 15:00: Guided tour of the exhibition and normally inaccessible areas of the faculty, meeting at the FaVU gatehouse, in building U2
- 10:00–18:00: Exhibition of student works in the studios and spaces of the faculty (Údolní 53), at KUMST (Údolní 19), Mosilana (hall no. 17), Distillery (Pekařská 76) and at the Káznice (Bratislavská 68)
- List of studios that will have their final exhibitions located outside the FaVU campus: APD (KUMST), APT (Mosilana), AGD2, AEN (Distillery), AHP/VAS (Káznice).

Author | Mgr. Tímea Vitázková |
Published | |
Short URL | https://www.favu.vut.cz/en//f26745/d251258 |