Exhibition "luggage, wish" in Galerie FaVU, opening 12 March 2025, 18:00
luggage, wish – Tuomas Lehtomaa, Ville Karlsson 12 March – 23 April 2025 opening: 12 March 2025 at 18:00, with music programme DJ kidO Galerie FaVU, Údolní 53, Brno
An index that forms matter into a life, continuity of an outline, left in by a fingertip mid-air. Reaching for a shape. Holder for what was there, marked its presence, there now, as an array of things, fixed on the floor with no glue, unresolved, us unaware of what was before. What was left and what now is brings into being what already was, turns, a vibration, swivel. A click to open, to release a motive, a swing that goes in the form of a staircase. Shiny, like a song. A building is an independent body with its own organs; a living and changing entity with internal structures that cannot be dismantled. The exhibition space is part of a complex web of materials and meanings. Objects are like decorative branches, loose, sovereign ornaments that are always re-hanging in different ways. The essence and qualities of the space are present in each exhibition, but unobtrusive; radiators, plumbing fixtures, corridors, wall and ceiling shapes. Attention is drawn elsewhere. There is beauty in infrathin gestures, things left unnoticed; the omnipresence of matter we have constant relation with. Nature, mundane commodities, other bodies, our thoughts and feelings towards them and the ontic shifts between the inner and surrounding.
Ville Karlsson and Tuomas Lehtomaa work with site- and situation-specific, sculptural, painterly, textual practices. The exhibition luggage, wish takes form in-site, through negotiations and approaches with the place. This process-based practice is reliant with the possibilities and limitations of the distance, transition, familiar and the unknown.