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Pavol Lupták

FME, IMID DID – Assistant lecturer

+420 54114 2801

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Ing. Pavol Lupták

Curriculum vitae

Education and academic qualification

  • 2013-09-01 - 2016-08-31

    BUT - Brno University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design - Brno, Czech republic
    - Bachelor‘s degree

  • 2016-09-01 - 2019-08-31

    BUT - Brno University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design - Brno, Czech republic
    - Engineer‘s degree

  • 2016-09-01 - 2017-01-31

    NTNU - National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Design - Taipei, Taiwan
    - Master‘s studies, student exchange program - Product Design and Graphic Design courses

  • 2018-02-01 - 2018-06-30

    NTUST - National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture - Taipei, Taiwan
    - Master‘s studies, student exchange program - Architecture Design and Digital Fabrication courses

  • 2019-09-01 - ...

    BUT - Brno University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design - Brno, Czech republic
    - Doctoral studies

Career overview

  • 2015-09-01 - 2017-08-31

    AWIS s.r.o. - Czech republic
    - Graphic designer, part-time

  • 2017-07-01 - 2018-07-31

    FIMLUX s.r.o. - Slovakia
    - Product designer, contract

  • 2018-02-01 - 2019-02-28

    CUC drink a.s. - Czech republic
    - Designer, contract

  • 2018-07-01 - 2019-08-31

    MALADINOVO s.r.o. - Slovakia
    - Graphic designer, contract

  • 2019-09-01 - 2020-01-31

    - Designer, foreign internship

  • 2020-02-01 - ...

    BUT - Brno University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design
    - Industrial Designer and Assistant Lecturer , full-time

Scientific activities

Participation at exhibitions:

  • DESIGN.S 2020 - Virtual tour - Brno, Czech republic
  • NEW GO(O)DS! 2019 - CTU FA - Prague, Czech republic
  • NEW GO(O)DS! 2019 - DEPO2015 - Pilsen, Czech republic
  • DESING.ER 2019 - BUT FME - Brno, Czech republic
  • DESIGN.S 2018 - Brno Technical Museum - Brno, Czech republic
  • DESIGNÉRA! 2017 - Brno Technical Museum - Brno, Czech republic
  • READING 2017 - NTNU Department of Design Gallery - Taipei, Taiwan
  • DESIGN.S 2016 - Brno Technical Museum - Brno, Czech republic

Prizing by scientific community

Awards & honors:

  • DESIGN.S 2020 - International Biennial of Student Design - 5 featured projects - Czech republic
  • NCSD 2019 - Czech National Student Design Award - nominated project - Czech republic
  • DESIGN.S 2018 - International Biennial of Student Design - 4 featured projects - Czech republic
  • CUC Drink 2017 - Brand of a new wine drink - 1st prize - selected design and cooperation contract - Czech republic
  • TEXTILECO 2017 - Recycle container for used textile - 2nd place - Czech republic
  • CPP 2016 - Prize of Industrial Enterprise - BUT FME - nominated project - Czech republic
  • DESIGN.S 2016 - International Biennial of Student Design - 1 featured project - Czech republic