Háček + Čárka
The comic series Háček + Čárka was featured on the back page of Sluníčko from 1972 to 1974. Although Sluníčko was aimed at preschoolers, Jaroslav Malák's comic was far from a typical picture story for young readers. It introduced two children who became aware that they were characters in a popular comic series. Their adventures can be interpreted in different ways: as a lighthearted picture story, a playful exploration of the comic medium's expressive possibilities, or even as a reflection on Czechoslovak society at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. Regardless of how it is read, the series stands as a unique testament to the high level of comic art in Czechoslovakia fifty years ago. Jaroslav Malák (1928–2012) was a painter and illustrator known for several comic series. He worked with children's magazines like Mateřídouška and Sluníčko and contributed to Dikobraz and Mladý svět. He also created the popular comic Polda and Olda for Čtyřlístek and published the romantic comic novel Břetislav and Jitka in Ahoj na sobotu. The complete edition of Háček and Čárka stories includes a detailed study by Pavel Ryška on Malák's work, accompanied by rich visual materials.
Published: 2024-10-15 10:00
Short URL: https://www.favu.vut.cz/en/publishing/f147703/d265632
Responsibility: MgA. Lenka Veselá, M.A., Ph.D.