Nechtěné dědictví: Architekt Jan Dvořák (1925–1998) [Unwanted Heritage: Architect Jan Dvořák (1925–1998)]
The book is dedicated to the practical and theoretical work of the Brno architect Jan Dvořák, who primarily worked in the 1970s and 1980s. Through his example, the book explores the fate of standardized architecture today and examines the relationship between contemporary professionals and the general public with works created by the author during a different political regime. In addition to professional texts and ample visual material, the publication includes the author's interpretations of Dvořák's designs by several visual artists from the youngest generation. Furthermore, space is given to Jan Dvořák's colleagues and members of his family to evaluate his professional contributions.
Published: 2024-10-01 00:01
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Responsibility: MgA. Lenka Veselá, M.A., Ph.D.