Od chaosu k novému řádu. Počátky institucionalizovaného výzkumu v oblasti urbanismu a územního plánování / From Chaos to New Order: The Beginnings of Institutionalized Research in Urban and Land Use Planning in Brno
The publication delves into the history of theoretical thought regarding urbanism and spatial planning in Czechoslovakia from the outset of the Second World War to the 1960s. It does so by examining the operations of two key professional institutions – the Regional Study and Planning Institute in Brno, and the urban division of the Research Institute of Construction and Architecture in the same city. The establishment of both institutes signifies a notable shift in the perception of the disciplines under scrutiny and their significance within state planning. The publication tackles a subject that has yet to receive systematic professional examination.
Published: 2024-10-01
Short URL: https://www.favu.vut.cz/en/publishing/f147703/d265469
Responsibility: MgA. Lenka Veselá, M.A., Ph.D.