Partyzánská stezka: Průvodce po historii antifašistického odboje [Partisan Trail: A Guide to the History of the Anti-Fascist Resistance]
The multimedia guide explores the history of the anti-fascist resistance during World War II in the Českomoravská Highlands. It consists of a printed map detailing key historical sites and a series of audio stories tied to specific locations. The project focuses on the everyday lives of villagers involved in the resistance, who were not merely “victims of occupation” but also active participants in the resistance movement – an aspect often overshadowed in Czech historiography by the prominence of Soviet partisans and military figures. The guide draws on research conducted both in archives and through fieldwork at these sites, including interviews with local residents. The two-part guide covers the routes Strachujov – Veselí – Prosetín and Telecí – Sněžné – Strachujov, connected by a shared mountainous terrain and intertwined by the stories of resistance fighters such as Serinek, Hyška, and other partisans who operated in this area.
Published: 2025-01-01
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Responsibility: MgA. Lenka Veselá, M.A., Ph.D.