Živá generace [The Living Generation]
The texts compiled in the publication The Living Generation were generated as part of the project bearing the same name, conducted during the period of 2019–2020. This endeavour emerged as a continuation of the author's prior works, which, founded upon archives, interviews, and collaborations with select artists from the 1960s to the 1980s, delved into the theme of community within the artistic realm of the 20th century. The intergenerational dialogue with these artists served as a pivotal motif within the project, a motif that the book seeks to expand upon. However, it also engages with the perspectives of the younger generation. The aim of the assembled case studies is to interconnect phenomena from the recent and more distant past with the contemporary moment through spontaneous associations, while also mapping out the generational challenges faced by individuals living in both the 20th and 21st centuries, predominantly from a subjective standpoint.
Published: 2024-10-01
Short URL: https://www.favu.vut.cz/en/publishing/f147703/d265524
Responsibility: MgA. Lenka Veselá, M.A., Ph.D.