Course detail
Studio IV - Body Design - winter
FaVU-B4TD-ZAcad. year: 2019/2020
The course has two main tasks - common project and individual project.
The theme of the common project will be defined at the beginning of the semester.
Task for the 7th semester as part of the common project: the position of initiator, inspirer, producer and organizer
Task for the 7th semester of the individual project:
Recommended topic: Body and soul, religious and esoteric systems
Recommended technique: optional
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Student understands artwork as interfering with many cognitive branches and can search for these extensions and overlaps themselves.
Student will become acquainted with the wide and live topic of the artificial body.
Student will begin to focus on the art scene in order to find his / her place in the preparation of his / her bachelor thesis.
Through the lead role in the creation and organization of common projects, student acquires the experience of grasping ideas in team brain streaming.
In this role, she will also begin to address the organizational and production aspect of artwork and exhibiting.
Ability to create independent work.
The ability of verbal and visual communication.
Basics of working with computer programs for editing photos and videos.
An overview of the basic possibilities of documenting a time-determined action.
The basic ability to produce an art project.
Ability to read and understand theoretical literature in the Czech language.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The supplementary methods are:
- workshop - focused on the practical components of creation - at least 1 per semester - eg physical exercise suitable for performance, clothing editing workshop, workshop with different materials
- guest consultations - consultation of individual projects with an invited specialist - usually before the end of the semester
- excursions - mostly in the context of a common project
- presentations of professionals - in connection with a common project
- outdoor sympozium
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
If one of these components is not met, the student has the chance to correct the situation by fulfilling the individual task.
The individual project will culminate as final project of semester and will be commissioned by the commission.
Course curriculum
3rd - 5th week - usually work on a common project
6th week - completion of a common project and feedback
7th - 13th week - work on individual projects
11th week - excursion, outdoor sympozion
13th week - consultation with guest
The timetable may vary according to the terms of the common project.
Work placements
Active roles in the studio - ideological, organizational, documentary.
Start work on a separate bachelor thesis.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Mandatory participation in at least one joint project per semester.
Photographic documentation of a common project and individual work.
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Knotková – Čapková, Blanka, Obrazy ženství v náboženských kulturách (CS)
Rudolf Steiner:"Všeobecná nauka o člověku" Ioannes
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer