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Course detail

Artists and Issues

FaVU-AIS-ZAcad. year: 2023/2024

The course will look into the texts below through a detailed analysis and discussions; the selected texts, ranging from the disciplines of contemporary philosophy (Latour, Haraway, Bradiotti), antropology, cultural studies (Tsing), botanics (Sádlo, Pokorný), etc, reflect the state of Anthropocene, the fix in which "humankind" has found itself (in)voluntarily (?). We will problematize the equal share of "humankind" on Anthropocene, we will look at texts which not only ask the classical question What Is To Be Done, but also "what to say"? (to whom). We will compensate the highly theoretical texts offering a trully global/comprehensive insight into the reflection of the sorry state of the world by reading about and watching plants in forrests, steppes, and meadows in order to understand how these (and their biodiversity) were formed in the past by human labor so that we can better understand what can be saved (through that labor? or its simulation?) for the future. Or not.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Entry knowledge

Students have to have excellent communicative skills in English.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Students will be assesed from discussing and writing short, in-class response papers about the assigned texts. Not having read those texts will count as an absence.
The answered quiz questions regarding each text for homework have to be uploaded to the shared drive a day before the class.
Students will be assessed from the regular, continuous work during the semester.
Hybrid forms of classes - in-class and remote forms of teaching. Students must attend 75% of the videoconferences actively, which includes questions addressed to the students during the conference both in written and oral form. The course is based on the students' weekly work, that is, students must have read the assigned texts before each class.


Students will read, analyse, and discuss articles and essays on the selected topics. They will have to be prepared for every lesson. They will be encouraged to prepare some topics themselves (under the techer's instruction).
Academic reflection of selected problems of contemporary art, a detailed knowledge of artworks and viewpoints of selected contemporary artists.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Not applicable.

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Type of course unit



13 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


See the bibliography list - each week one reading, plus two field trips (literarilly). (Real fields.)


13 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer