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Course detail

Relief Printmaking

FaVU-1GF1Acad. year: 2023/2024

The studio based course focused on closer exploration of classic printmedia basics with an emphasis on possible interdisciplinary overlaps and their possibilities for contemporary artistic practice. Printmedia are represented as a field with secular continuity of inventions and consecutive accustomed methodology witnessing technical possibilities of period society. Courese tutoring is based on the principles of contemporary art and its conceptual overlaps into contemporary printmedia. The key is to master techniques and tools of visual and creative coding through the conceptualization of classical tools as well as ability to realize and prestent own individual solutions.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Entry knowledge

Artistic and theoretical abilities proven by entrance examination. Mastering basics of figural drawing on the level of art high school graduate is an advantage. Previous experience with printmedia is not necessary.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

In order to successfuly finish the course and gain credits, it is neccessary to:
- to attend and actively participate in lessons (Minimal attendance is 85 %) or to submit finished alternatively assigned tasks
- to submit all regularly assigned tasks
- evaluation is dependent on fullfilment of the aims of this course

Course is taught in the premises of Atelier of Drawing and graphics FaVU in times spcified by schedule. Minimal attendance is 85 %. Compensation of missed lessons is possible after confirmation with the tutor and is done in the form of alternative assigments.


The aim of the course is to discover the possibilities of print media and their potential for author’s interdisciplinary practice. Relief printing techniques, such as linocut, woodcut and embossing are introduced with gradually increasing difficulty and with an intention to extend student’s scope of individual means of author’s language. The other aim is to develop student‘s individual art practice which is achieved by studio work on own or assigned topics.
Mastering of printmedia basics, practical realisation of collection art prints done in embossing, woodcut and linocut, practical experience with experimental usage of taught printmedia.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Emma Dexter, Vitamin D: New Perspectives in Drawing, Phaidon Press, 2005. (CS)
Vladimír Kokolia, Slovník Grafiky 2. Praha: AVU, 2017. (CS)
Petr Ingerle (ed.), Možnosti záznamů, Brno: Moravská galerie v Brně, 2010. (CS)
Lenka Sýkorová (ed.), Postkonceptuální přesahy v české kresbě, Ústí nad Labem: FUD UJEP, 2015. (CS)
Antonín Odehnal, Grafické techniky, Brno: Era, 2005. (CS)
Helena Zápalková – Zdenka Lindovská, Umění grafiky / Grafické techniky v průběhu šesti století (kat. výst.), Olomouc: Muzeum umění, 2003. (CS)
Ondřej Michálek, Kapitoly z černého umění: Přehled grafických technik a některých průmyslových technologií tisku, Olomouc: UPOL, 2014. (CS)
časopis X (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Type of course unit



13 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Theories of the relief printing techniques (linocut, woodcut and embossing)
Task assignment
Drawing and consultation on proposals
Introduction to embossing - practical demonstration and exercises
Introduction to embossing - exercises
Experimental use of embossing
Introduction to linocut (or woodcut) - practical demonstration and exercises
Introduction to linocut (or woodcut) - exercises
Experimental use of linocut (or woodcut)
Combination of printing techniques or printing from multiple matrices - exercises
Combination of printing techniques or printing from multiple matrices - exercises
Combination of printing techniques or printing from multiple matrices - exercises

Technological exercise

26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer