Course detail

Workshops 2

FaVU-1MWT-LAcad. year: 2023/2024

The one or two-day-workshops will take place twice or three times per semester. The workshops will focus on a particular technological topic which is not possible to include into the regular sylabus of the Department of Audiovisual Technology. External instructors invited to teach the course are professionals in their field.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Entry knowledge


Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

credit: attendance
Attendance is mandatory (2 workshops per semester).


Students should be able to solve immediate and current technological problems connected with the production of their own artwork. External instructors will be invited into the course.
Practical skills in processing animated image, sound, interactive installations and other areas of present audiovision. Students will confront their approach to artwork production with thhat of the external workshop teacher.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Fišer, Zbyněk. Tvůrčí psaní: malá učebnice technik tvůrčího psaní. Brno: Padio, 2001. (CS)
Aronson, Linda. Scénář pro 21. století. Praha: NAMU, 2015. (CS)
Bordwell, David; Thompson, Kristin. Umění filmu: Úvod do studia formy a stylu. Praha: NAMU, 2011. (CS)
Eco, Umberto. Skeptikové a těšitelé. Praha: Argo, 2007. (CS)
Kundera, Milan. Umění románu: cesta Vladislava Vančury za velkou epikou. Praha: Československý spisovatel, 1960. (CS)
Field, Syd. Jak napsat dobrý scénář. Praha: Rybka Publishers, 2007. (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Type of course unit



26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


The structure of the course will depend on the financial possibilites of the Department of Audiovisual Technology and number of registered students. The list of workshops will be published on