Course detail
Studio IV - Video - winter
FaVU-B4VI-ZAcad. year: 2023/2024
Students will learn how to use own artistic potential. Students focus on preparation for the practical part of the bachelor exam search for the most suitable topics and for the shape of its future presentation. They create projects and focus on their practical realization within the context of new media: Unlike previous "horizontal" orientation - where students are mainly looking for their "own" the way, their position – now there is time to try to gain certain "verticality": Dive into the individual authors’ projects. Teachers from the studio will consult with them with special focus on the chosen topic – they will recommend suitable literature or mediate contacts with experts from another studio / school. This model situation serves as a conceptual preparation for bachelor work (in the summer semester of the fourth year).
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Lessons are mandatory.
Experience from the realisation of the BA project.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Carriére, Jean-Claude : Vyprávět příbeh
Dempsey, Amy : Umelecké styly, školy a hnutí
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer