Course detail
Dissertation seminar 4
FaVU-3SDP4Acad. year: 2023/2024
The seminar represents a basic platform where the mentor and the doctoral student meet and discuss the progress and issues of the thesis. The main aim of the seminar is continuous supervision of the disseration project - both its textual and its creative part (according to the individual needs of the doctoral student). The content of the seminar reflects the phase of the student's individual study plan. During the initial semesters the focus is on heuristics and so the essential part of the tutorails consists of recomendations of relevant adademic literature and other relevant resources (archives, institutions, people) connected with the subject of the thesis. In the following semesters, students gradually shift their attention towards their own research and work on the dissertation in both its aspects.
Language of instruction
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The mentor gives a non-letter grade the student each semester on the basis of the student's completion of the individual study plan and on the basis of fulfilling the assignments connected with work on the dissertaion text and the student's creative practice.
The seminar leads students to doctoral state exam and specification of the dissertation project.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
doc. akad. soch. Ladislav Křenek, ArtD.
doc. Mgr. Václav Magid, Ph.D.
doc. MgA. Filip Cenek
Mgr. Martin Mazanec, Ph.D.
doc. MgA. Vasil Artamonov
doc. MgA. Barbora Klímová, ArtD.
MgA. Katarína Magid Hládeková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Markéta Žáčková, Ph.D.
prof. Mgr. A. Lenka Klodová, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. Jan Zálešák, Ph.D.
Mgr. Barbora Šedivá, Ph.D.