Course detail

Subversive Art, Collusive Art

FaVU-2SACA-LAcad. year: 2023/2024

The course will look into different art movements and artists in art after 1945 who took positions at different sides of the barricade. On the one hand, there are situacionists, Fluxus, actionists, arte povera, feminism, landart, or conceptual art - all of them are movements which are defined on the basis of subverting the commodity and art market logic, on the other hand there are the "opportunitstic" trends such as Pop Art, photorealism, post-modern painting of the 80s, YBAs of the 90s, the bienalle phenomenon, and the overal professionalization of the art scene in the last thirty years. During the course, we will ask questions about the difference of the missions of visual art vs. film or literature, what makes a "real" artist, what role does an artwork play in contemporary society as a commodity, etc. The course will try to find some answers by looking at some solutions by artists who were active in the aforementioned art movements.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Entry knowledge

Students either have to
a] have had a credit from English-Upper Intermediate Lower course held at FaVU or
b] have the FCE, CAE, or TOEFL certificate or
c] have a short interview with the course teacher Barbora LUngová who will assess whether the student is fluent enough in English to be able to actively participate on the course.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Students will be assesed from discussing and writing short, in-class response papers about the assigned texts. Not having read those texts will count as an absence.
The answered quiz questions regarding each text for homework have to be uploaded to the shared drive a day before the class.  Before the last class in the semester, students will have to have fulfilled at least 60% of the assignments in order to be able to finish the remaining assignments by the end of the exam period.
Students will be assessed from the regular, continuous work during the semester. 

Students are allowed two absences per semester.


Students will enhance their critical and analytical ability in dealing with the issues of the role of art in contemporary society, its relationshio to the institutions, the art market, etc. They will improve both their written and oral argumentative skills - IN ENGLISH, as the whole course is held in English.
Tests from the reading assignments, discussion in the seminar.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Sholette Gregory. Delirium and Resistance. (EN)
Warsza, Joanna. I Can't Work Like This. (EN)
Steyerl, Hito. Duty Free Art: Art in the Age of Planetary Civil War (EN)
Lozano, Lee. Not Working. (EN)
Sholette, Gregory. Art as Social Action. (EN)
Sholette, Gregory. Dark Matter. (EN)
Alexander Dumbadze. Bas Jan Ader: Death is Elsewhere. (EN)
Howard S. Becker: Artworlds (EN)
Groys, Boris. Art Power. (EN)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Type of course unit



13 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction: Subversion and Collusion in Art - general view
2. Howard S. BEcker: Artworlds: integrated professionals, mavericks, naive artists
3. Boris Groys: Art Power: Hitler's vision of eternal art
4. Gregory Sholette: Dark Matter: of whom consists the mass of invisible artists?
5. Dark Matter: local projects, memory of the archives
6. Shollette: Art as Social Action
7. Joanna Warsza: I Can't Work Like This: refusing the artworld
8. Lee Lozano: Not Working. an artist quitting the art world - a project.
9 .Bas Jan Ader: an artist quitting the art world - death as a project or as a an unlucky circumstance?
10. Hito Steyerl: Art in the Age of Planetary Civil War


13 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer