Course detail

Research Through Art and Design

FaVU-2VUaDAcad. year: 2023/2024

The course consists of lectures followed by seminars. Lectures familiarize students with the historical roots, institutionalization, and current developments of research through art and design. In seminars, students engage in a discussion about the production of knowledge in the fields of art and design and about the new avenues that such research opens up in this respect. Students develop their ability to recognize and describe research aspects of their work. They learn how to formulate research questions, adopt appropriate research methods, and interpret results of their research work.


Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge


Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Credits awarded on the basis of lecture and seminar participation. Attendance of more than 70% is required.


Lectures and seminars take place at the premises of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology according to the course schedule. Attendance of more than 70% is required.



The course aims to familiarize students with the historical roots, institutionalization, and current developments of research through art and design.


Students acquire ability to recognize and describe research aspects of their creative work. Upon completion of the course, students have the ability to recognize and draw upon research aspects of their creative work. They know how to formulate research questions, adopt appropriate methods, and interpret results of their research work. They are able to articulate their research contribution in a clear, comprehensive, and confident way.


Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Bartlová, Milena & Zdeněk Bezecný, eds. 2020. Umělecký výzkum na UMPRUM. Praha: UMPRUM. (CS)
Buddeus, Ondřej & Magdalena Stanová. 2020. Zpráva o uměleckém výzkumu pro AVU (2020). Praha: AVU. (CS)
Průchová Hrůzová, Andrea. 2021. Od „co“ k „jak“. Výzvy uměleckého výzkumu pro tvůrčí a akademické sféry 21. století. ArteActa, 4(6). (CS)
Steyerl, Hito. 2022. Estetika odporu? Umělecký výzkum jako disciplína a konflikt. ArteActa, 5(07). (CS)

Recommended reading

Bartlová, Milena. 2018. Doktorské studium výtvarných umění: nesmysl, nebo šance? artalk, 5. prosince. (CS)
Borgdorff, Henk. 2012. The Conflict of the Faculties: Perspectives on Artistic Research and Academia. Leiden: Leiden University Press. (EN)
Cramer, Florian & Nienke Terpsma. 2021. What is Wrong with the Vienna Declaration on Artistic Research? Open! Academy., 21 January. (EN)
Dunne, Anthony & Fiona Raby. 2013. Speculative Everything: Design Fiction and Social Dreaming. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. (EN)
Elkins, James, ed. 2009. Artists with PhDs: On the New Doctoral Degree in Studio Art. New Academia Publishing. (EN)
Escobar, Arturo. 2017. Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds. Durham and London: Duke University Press. (EN)
Frayling, Christopher. 1993. Research in Art and Design. London: Royal College of Art. (EN)
Haraway, Donna. 1988. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3): 575–599. (EN)
Hannula, Mika, Juha Suoranta & Tere Vadén. 2005. Artistic Research — Theories, Methods and Practices. Helsinki and Gothenburg: Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki and University of Gothenburg. (EN)
Jobertová, Daniela & Alice Koubová, eds. 2017. Artistic Research: Is There Some Method? Prague: Academy of Performing Arts (AMU Press). (EN)
Klein, Julian. 2017. What Is Artistic Research? JAR — Journal for Artistic Research, April 23. (EN)
Koskinen, Ilpo, John Zimmerman, Thomas Binder, Johan Redström & Stephan Wensveen. 2011. Design Research Through Practice: From the Lab, Field, and Showroom. Waltham: Morgan Kaufmann. (EN)
Law, John. 2004. After Method: Mess in Social Science Research. London: Routledge. Ludwiński, Jerzy. 2007. Art in the Postartistic Age. In Notes from the Future of Art: Selected Writings by Jerzy Ludwiński, ed. Magdalena Ziołkowska, s. 17–26. Eindhoven: Van Abbemuseum. (EN)
Mäki, Teemu. 2014. Art and Research Colliding. Research Catalogue. (EN)
Manzini, Ezio. 2015. Design, When Everybody Designs: An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. (EN)
Rogoff, Irit. 2019. Becoming Research. The Contemporary Journal. 10 December. (EN)
Rogoff, Irit. 2010. Practicing Research: Singularizing Knowledge. MaHKUzine: journal of artistic research 9: 37–42. (EN)
Rogoff, Irit. 2008. Turning. e-flux, Journal #0, November. (EN)
Rosner, Daniela. 2018. Critical Fabulations: Reworking the Methods and Margins of Design. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. (EN)
Smith, Marquard, ed. 2020. Research: Practitioner, Curator, Educator. Vilnius: Vilnius Academy of Arts Press. (EN)
Schwab, Michael. 2019. Expositionality. In Artistic Research: Charting a Field in Expansion, ed. Paulo de Assis & Lucia D`Errico, 27–45. London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield. (EN)
Stengers, Isabelle & Stephen Muecke. 2018. Another Science Is Possible: A Manifesto for Slow Science. Cambridge UK: Polity. (EN)
Stöckelová, Tereza & Yasar Abu Ghosh, eds. 2013. Etnografie: Improvizace v teorii a terénní praxi. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství Slon. (CS)
Veselá, Lenka. 2021. Artistic Research as Academic Borderlands. Journal of Artistic Research., 24 May. (EN)
Wilson, Mick & Schelte van Ruiten, eds. 2013. SHARE: Handbook for Artistic Research. ELIA — European League of Institutes of the Arts. (EN)
Wright, Stephen. 2013. Toward a Lexicon of Usership. Eindhoven: Van Abbemuseum. (EN)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme DES_M Master's, 1. year of study, winter semester, elective
  • Programme VUM_M Master's, 1. year of study, winter semester, elective
  • Programme DES_M Master's, 2. year of study, winter semester, elective

Type of course unit



14 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


  • Emergence of artistic research, definitions of artistic research, potentials of artistic research.
  • Historical origins and institutionalization of artistic research.
  • Typologies of research in art and design: practice-led research, research-led practice, design research, art-based research, artistic research, research about/for/through art, art about/for/through research, research for/into/through design.
  • Artistic research as a hybrid practice: convergences and collisions of art and research, specific and singular methods, “singularization of knowledge,” “undisciplining.”
  • “Turning”: educational turn, research turn, “postresearch condition.”
  • Methods of artistic research and artistic research as a method. Strategies of artistic research.
  • “Articulations” and “expositions” of artistic research: articulating practice as research, “expositions” of artistic research in Research Catalogue.
  • Research through design. Transition design. Design for social innovation. Critical/speculative design.
  • Between art, research, and activism: socially engaged practices, sustainable practices.
  • Interdisciplinary and collective practices.
  • Institutions and platforms for artistic research.
  • Excellent practices: examples of successful artistic research projects.
  • Emerging formats of artistic research: journals for artistic research, “expositions” of artistic research in the Research Catalogue, research exhibition.
  • Building research networks.


12 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer