Temporary restriction of the operating hours of the FFA buildings from 14 Feb 2022 to 31 Mar 2022
Due to the sudden increase in energy prices in 2022 (for FFA by 338%) and other operational costs having a negative impact on the faculty's budget, the dean decided after discussions within the faculty management and the academic senate to adjust the operating hours of the FFA buildings for the period from 14. 2. 2022 to 31. 3. 2022 as follows:
- faculty buildings are open on working days from 7:00 to 21:00 (with an exception for those attending the mandatory course Evening Drawing in the U2 building);
- faculty buildings are open on Saturdays from 10:00 to 18:00;
- faculty buildings are closed on Sundays and public holidays.
Exceptions are granted by the faculty bursar or the dean of the faculty.
In line with the aforementioned measure, the dean also requests everyone to try to set a more environmentally friendly operation in their workplaces, for instance: use only the necessary intensity of lighting and only for the time spent in the room, switch off unnecessary electrical appliances (monitors, computers, printers, copiers, fans, humidifiers, air conditioning...) when leaving, reduce the use of lighting in shared areas, limit the use of ventilation, avoid overheating workplaces (do not solve overheating in rooms by long-term window opening, but by reporting a malfunctioning heating system to the campus management), and so on.
Year-on-year increase in energy prices at FFA | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Electricity | CZK/MWh | CZK/MWh | CZK/MWh | CZK/MWh | CZK/MWh | |
NN | 50% | 1 857 | 1 240 | 1 454 | 1 225 | 882 |
VN | 328% | 4 999 | 1 169 | 1 370 | 1 195 | 868 |
VNDE (excluding combined services) | 65% | 1 906 | 1 158 | 1 378 | 1 225 | 878 |
Gas | ||||||
MO | 60% | 634 | 397 | 482 | 580 | 445 |
VO | 64% | 619 | 377 | 464 | 570 | 439 |
Author | doc. MgA. Filip Cenek |
Published | |
Short URL | https://www.favu.vut.cz/en/students/news-and-calls/f26017/d222186 |
Responsibility: Jana Janečková