Markéta Žáčková
FFA – Vice-Dean for Scientific Research and Quality Assurance
+420 54114 6823
Guaranteed courses
BGA029 | Architectonic Composition Czech, winter, FCE, ARC |
ACHE20 | Architecture of the 20th century Czech, winter, FFA, KTDU |
UMFP | Art in Public Space. The Investor, the Function, Perception Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
BGA006 | Contemporary Architecture Czech, winter, FCE, ARC |
BGA030 | History of Architecture 4 Czech, winter, FCE, ARC |
BGA034 | History of Architecture 5 Czech, summer, FCE, ARC |
BGA041 | History of the Fine Arts Czech, winter, FCE, ARC |
1AnOb | Image Anthropology Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
1PDU-SR | Middleages and Renaissance Art History Overview Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
NGB055 | Specialized Excursion Czech, summer, FCE, ARC |
1TZGT1 | Theoretical foundations of printmaking 1 Czech, winter, FFA, KTDU |
1TZGT2 | Theoretical Foundations of Printmaking 2 Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
BGA033 | Theory and Aesthetics Czech, summer, FCE, ARC |
1PDU-19 | 19th Century Art History Overview Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025
Lectured courses
BGA029 | Architectonic Composition Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, ARC |
ACHE20 | Architecture of the 20th century Lecture, Czech, winter, FFA, KTDU |
UMFP | Art in Public Space. The Investor, the Function, Perception Lecture, Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
BGA006 | Contemporary Architecture Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, ARC |
BGA020 | History of Architecture 2 Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, ARC |
BGA034 | History of Architecture 5 Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, ARC |
BGA041 | History of the Fine Arts Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, ARC |
1AnOb | Image Anthropology Lecture, Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
1PDU-SR | Middleages and Renaissance Art History Overview Lecture, Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
NGB055 | Specialized Excursion Field training, Czech, summer, FCE, ARC |
1SSZZ | State Examination Seminar Seminar, Czech, winter, FFA, KTDU |
1TZGT1 | Theoretical foundations of printmaking 1 Lecture, Czech, winter, FFA, KTDU |
1TZGT2 | Theoretical Foundations of Printmaking 2 Lecture, Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
BGA033 | Theory and Aesthetics Exercise, Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, ARC |
1PDU-19 | 19th Century Art History Overview Lecture, Czech, summer, FFA, KTDU |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025