Navzájem. Umělci a společenství na Moravě 70.–80. let 20. století [Mutually: Artists and Community in Moravia in the 1970s–1980s of the 20th Century]
The publication explores artistic expressions at the intersection of social events in the Moravian context during the 1970s and 1980s. Each of the five chapters focuses on an individual creator or a pair of authors. In the environment of state-controlled cultural policy, free-thinking artists in Czechoslovakia during that period operated on the margins of society. They formed diverse communities, alternative zones, and even alternative institutions. The text also examines communities united by experimental creation, along with their environments and contexts. Locally specific Moravian enclaves are compared with similar ones in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Additionally, various situations in other Eastern European countries facing similar political dictatorships are mentioned. The selection and analysis were influenced by the author's ongoing dialogue and collaboration with artists from that generation. The publication also responds to existing interpretations of art history in the latter half of the twentieth century, shedding light on creators or phenomena that have received limited attention. In several cases, alternative perspectives on creative activity are presented, which are often overlooked in traditional narratives.
Published: 2024-10-01
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Responsibility: MgA. Lenka Veselá, M.A., Ph.D.