UV FAKTOR 3: Tři cykly Uměleckého výzkumu mezi FAVU VUT v Brně a FSS MUNI [UV FACTOR 3: Three Cycles of Artistic Research Between FFA BUT and FSS MUNI]
UV FAKTOR 3 summarizes three years of the course Artistic Research – The Body in Art and Sociology. It compiles the pedagogical intentions of individual instructors, course concepts, and selected works from student collectives across the years. The foundational premise of the courses was the evident connection between contemporary visual art and the humanities, further strengthened by pairing specific disciplines and selecting ideal thematic areas. However, this seemingly smooth integration was disrupted by several notable factors that highlighted the differences between theory and practice. These aspects and their urgency served as a reminder that the process engages with “living material” – not only in the dynamic nature of the students themselves but also in the inherent instability of the concept of artistic research within higher education. The publication attempts to capture these vibrant moments of the pedagogical process, offering an additional layer of value. While these questions were not the primary focus of the research, they emerged as integral reflections of the challenges and possibilities of artistic research in academia.
Published: 2016-01-03
Short URL: https://www.favu.vut.cz/en/publishing/f147703/d275604
Responsibility: MgA. Lenka Veselá, M.A., Ph.D.