Course detail
Management system of contemporary art
FaVU-3PSSUAcad. year: 2024/2025
A number of factors which could be considered "non-artistic" have been influencing the forms of contemporary art since the 1850s. However, like in medieval, Rennaissance, or Baroque periods, social, economic, and institutional factors have strongly determined the concept of artist as an author and the nature of the producion and distribution of her art. Production, distribution, interpretation, and consuption of art and the values connected to it are tied to the existence of historically founded institutions which today find themselves in a complicated mesh of relations. Without understading institutional, cultural-political, and economic contexst in which concrete artworks and operations tied to them (physical, symbolic, market-economical) find themselves and which is frequently the very condition of the artwork's existence or the impulse for its creation (the preservation of the object or of the even as an artwork or even the very identification of the object or event as an artwork), it is not possible nowadays to professionally reflect art. The course deals primarily with system phenomena which academic literature refers to "art management" or "field of artistic production."
Language of instruction
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Mandatory lectures and tutorials.
Adademic debate on the lecture topics.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Claire BISHOP, Radical Museology. London 2013. (EN)
Daniel BIRNBAUM, Isabelle GRAW: Canvases and Careers Today. Criticism and its Market. Berlin 2008. (EN)
Gerald RAUNIG – Gene RAY, Art and Contemporary Critical Practice, London 2009. (EN)
Guy DEBORD, Společnost spektáklu. Praha 2007. (CS)
Christian RATTEMAYER, Exhibiting the new Art. New York, London, Amsterdam 2010. (EN)
Mária ORIŠKOVÁ (ed.), Efekt múzea: predmety, praktiky, publikum. Antológia textov anglo-americkej kritickej teórie múzea. Bratislava 2006. (CS)
ON CURATING. (NEW) INSTITUTION(ALISM). Issue 21, Dezember 2011. (EN)
Pascal GIELEN (ed.), Institutional Attitudes. Instituting Art in a Flat World, Valiz, Amsterdam 2013. (EN)
Peter BÜRGER, Teorie avantgardy. Stárnutí moderny. Praha: VVP AVU, 2015. (CS)
Pierre BOURDIEU, Pravidla umění. Brno 2010. (CS)
Robert S. NELSON – Richard SHIFF, Kritické pojmy dejín umenia. Bratislava 2004. (CS)
Tomáš KULKA – Denis CIPORANOV (eds.), Co je umění? Červený Kostelec 2010. (CS)
Walter BENJAMIN, Autor jako producent. In týž: Agesilaus Santander, Praha 1998, s. 151–174. (CS)
Walter BENJAMIN, Umělecké dílo ve věku své technické reprodukovatelnosti. In týž: Literárněvědné studie. Praha 2009, s. 299–326. (CS)
Recommended reading
Elisabeth MANSFIELD (ed.), Art History and its Institutions. Foundations of a discipline. London – New York 2002. (EN)
Émile DURKHEIM: Společenská dělba práce. Brno 2004. (CS)
James F. ENGLISH, Ekonomie prestiže. Brno 2011. (CS)
Juergen HABERMAS, Strukturální přeměna veřejnosti. Praha 2000. (CS)
Karel MARX, Kapitál I. Praha 1954. (CS)
Mary DOUGLAS, How Institutions think. New York 1986. (EN)
Nina MÖNTMANN (ed.), Art and its Institutions. Current Conflicts, Critique and Collaborations. London 2006. (EN)
Pascale CASANOVA, Světová republika literatury. Praha 2012. (CS)
Paul O´NEILL (ed.), Curating Subjects. London 2007. (EN)
Peter VERGO, The New Museology. London 1989. (EN)
Petra HANÁKOVÁ, Výstava-trhák. Muzeológia éry blockbustera, In: Galéria – Ročenka Slovenskej národnej galérie 2003, s. 43 – 50, Bratislava 2004. (SK)
Petra HANÁKOVÁ, Ženy-inštitúcie? Bratislava 2010. (SK)
Suzi GABLIKOVÁ, Selhala moderna. Olomouc 1995. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Museum as a specific and historically determined institution bestowing social and political evaluation of artworks, their distribution, and communicaton
3. Forms of communication about artworks in the public (salons, biennals, shows, not-for-profit galleries, site-specific projects)
5. Types of institutions supporting the making and distribution of artworks (foundations, bursaries, grants)
6. Specialist knowledge on art distribution (so-called art management).