Course detail

PhD Lab 1 (Writing & Publishing)

FaVU-3LAB1Acad. year: 2024/2025

The course provides students with support in writing and publishing the textual outputs of their research, such as articles for academic journals, conference papers, or book chapters. The specific content of the course is shaped by the real challenges that students may encounter at various stages of the process—from the initial concept and outline through the development of the text to its final revisions before submission for peer review, and final editing in response to reviewers’ comments or editorial requirements. Instructors’ feedback and moderated discussions focus on various aspects of the academic writing process according to the current needs of the students: defining the topic, selecting methodology, clarifying concepts, building an argument, structuring the text, style, working with sources and citations, communicating with editors, and more. The course is conducted through both group and individual consultations.

Language of instruction


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Classes take place in the classrooms of the Faculty of Fine Arts at BUT during the hours specified in the schedule. The course credit is awarded based on attendance, active participation in seminars, submission of a written output for feedback, and incorporation of feedback when revising the text throughout the semester. The teaching methods include seminars and individual text consultations.


The aim of the course is to enhance the professional competencies of doctoral students in the field of Art Education, specifically in writing and publishing academic texts.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Jadwiga ŠANDEROVÁ, Jak číst a psát odborný text ve společenských vědách. Několik zásad pro začátečníky, Praha: SLON 2005.
Nová citační norma ČSN ISO 690: 2011,
Stephen BAILEY, Academic writing: a handbook for international students, London – New York: Routledge 2015.
Umberto ECO, Jak napsat diplomovou práci. Praha: Votobia, 1997.
VVP AVU, Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny. Pro autorstvo,

Recommended reading

Daniela JOBERTOVÁ – Alice KOUBOVÁ (eds.), Artistic Research: Is There Some Method? Praha: AMU 2017.
Donna HARAWAY, „Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective“, Feminist Studies, č. 14(3), 1988, s. 575–599.
Helena BENDOVÁ – Matěj STRNAD (eds.), Společenské vědy a audiovize. Praha: AMU 2014.
INSTITUT ÚZKOSTI, Kvíření jazyka českého: O užívání genderově inkluzivního jazyka v institucích a organizacích, 2021,
James ELKINS (ed.), Artists with PhDs: On the New Doctoral Degree in Studio Art, Washington, DC: New Academia Publishing2009.
Milena BARTLOVÁ – Zdeněk BEZECNÝ (eds.), Umělecký výzkum na UMPRUM, Praha: UMPRUM 2020.
Nina LYKKE, Writing Academic Texts Differently: Intersectional Feminist Methodologies and the Playful Art of Writing, New York: Routledge 2014.
Ondřej BUDDEUS – Magdalena STANOVÁ, Zpráva o uměleckém výzkumu pro AVU (2020). Praha: AVU 2020,

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme VUD_P_CZ Doctoral 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
  • Programme VUD_P_EN Doctoral 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
  • Programme VUD_K_CZ Doctoral 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
  • Programme VUD_K_EN Doctoral 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional

Type of course unit



12 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer